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Komorní hůrka National Nature Monument


Category: Nature region: Up to 10km from Františkovy Lázně  | Město: Cheb


The hill known as Komorní hůrka (literally meaning "Chamber Hill") rising to an elevation of 503 metres above sea level may be found between the towns of Františkovy Lázně and Cheb. It is in fact a volcano formed at the turn of the Tertiary and Quaternary Period, i.e. some 115,000 –15,000 years ago, which makes it the youngest volcano in the Bohemian Massif. At the same time, it is the most extensively investigated volcano in Europe. First reports of the targeted research of the volcano date back to 1766, when Count Zedtwitz ordered the excavation of a 100-metre long drift in hope of finding coal beds. Subsequent explorations are associated with the name of world-famous writer and passionate natural scientist J. W. Goethe who proposed to excavate a drift to prove that the hill was a volcano. Success came in 1837 when a lava neck was finally discovered. Today, most of the drifts are caved. The last relic of the period of explorations is a decorated entrance portal.

You may explore the surroundings of Komorní hůrka on the short nature trail with three instructional stops.


Information Centre Františkovy Lázně
